上海恒遠生物公司人免疫反應性生長激素(irGH) 備有現貨,有需要的請及時電話垂詢:021-60517348,13817140470
英文名稱:Human Immunoreactive growth hormone,irGH ELISA KIT
聯系方式:021-60517348 13817140470
2.不能檢測含NaN3的樣品,因NaN3抑制辣根過氧化物酶的(HRP)活性。Specimen requirements
1. extract as soon as possible after Specimen collection,and according to the relevant literature, and should be experiment as soon as possible after the extraction. If it can’t, specimen can be kept in -20 ℃ to preserve, Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.2. Can’t detect the sample which contain NaN3, because NaN3 inhibits HRP active.
人免疫反應性生長激素(irGH) 相關檢測試劑盒:
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人免疫反應性生長激素ELISA試劑盒 Human Immunoreactive growth hormone,irGH ELISA KIT
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人促胰液素/分泌素受體ELISA試劑盒 Human secretin receptor,SR ELISA KIT
人雌激素受體ELISA試劑盒 Human Estrogen Receptor,ER ELISA KIT
人超敏生長激素ELISA試劑盒 Human Ultra Sensitive growth hormone,U S-GH ELISA KIT
人超敏前列腺特異性抗原ELISA試劑盒 Human Ultra Sensitive Prostate Specific Antigen,PSA U S ELISA KIT
人苯丙酸諾龍/苯丙酸去甲睪酮ELISA試劑盒 Human Nandrolone Phenylpropionate,NP ELISA KIT
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客戶使用恒遠人免疫反應性生長激素(irGH) 的同時,可以享受本公司完善的售后服務和技術支持。